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Nawal Abboub
Nawal est experte en neurosciences.

How and why should you improve your teaching tools using Science?

July 11, 2018
3 minutes

In recent years, more companies are emerging around a new challenge: how to revolutionize the World of Education and Training with new technologies? Internationally, but also increasingly in France, we are observing a infatuation increasingly important around these “EdTech”, for the contraction of “education” and “technology.” These startups are working hard to create a real impact on education of today and tomorrow, whether in our public or private organizations.

But when we talk about education or training, we're talking about our learning skills. These edtechs therefore aim to have a positive impact on them, so that people (adult or child) learn better and increase their skills in a way as fulfilled as possible. However, in recent decades, scientific research has never As much product of resources around “education” (1). We've never learned so much about how our brains learn from optimal way.

A lot of research has identified factors, or even called “catalysts”, that determine the speed and ease of learning (2). These acquaintances but also the scientific approach are for those who produce technological tools (EdTech) a treasure trove of resources to build, refine and improve the quality of its product!

However, in order to master and extract relevant information from this scientific literature dense and very complex this requires very technical expertise that requires many years of study. That is why it is crucial to work very closely between scientific experts, trainers, pedagogues and entrepreneurs if we want to create high impact educational products !

But why and with what rigor?

Reason 1: To be able to improve the pedagogy and the quality of the product

Let's analyze pedagogy scientifically: where are the strengths and areas for improvement? Let's transform the reading grids, accentuate/press on what has the most effect on learning! Let's strengthen thus the “Ed” quality with a pedagogy that is based on powerful learning processes. Let's improve the quality of learning together.

Reason 2: To be able to save execution time

Let's use science with its approach and principles to produce and design quality products, especially on how our brain processes and consolidates visual or acoustic information! Boostons the “Tech” part with evidence-based design! Let's make effective and powerful tech with simple interfaces and learning path structures adapted to how we work. Let's save execution time together.

So, let's transform tomorrow's education with powerful and impacting technological tools ! Let's put all the chances on our side and bring the best we can produce.

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