Rising Up is recognized as deeptech by the European Commission
Nawal Abboub
Nawal est experte en neurosciences.

Are screens dangerous for young children?

December 22, 2020
3 minutes
“For us screens are nothing, nothing, nothing”

Or again

“Screens were forbidden until lockdown passed that way, unfortunately”

At a time when screens have never been more present in our daily lives, fears and concerns persist with parents and professionals.

However, in 2020 our screen time exploded!

Whether for school, work, moments with friends, screens have been tools that we overconsumed.

But are they just as dangerous? But are they still the same banish from our homes and to Move away from the hands of our children?

Are these concerns based on tangible data?

What we've learned in recent years in cognitive neuroscience about brain development challenges a lot of our beliefs about babies' learning and skills.

Let's have new reading grids based on a Complete reading of the literature! To help us better:

  1. Support digital uses with practical and concrete advice.
  2. To build adapted training programs to better train teachers, day care professionals or employees.

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